The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Massachusetts Registry Volunteers to Assist Veterans

As part of the 17th Annual Massachusetts Stand Down, the Mass. RMV assisted hundreds of homeless and at-risk veterans with drivers licensing and Massachusetts Identification Card services at the Chinatown RMV Branch in Boston. Regional Registry Managers helped work the counters to provide services to veterans in need of a driver’s license or Mass. ID

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Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles Driver Re-Training Courses

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles requires those convicted of certain motor vehicle offenses to take specific driver re-training classes. The National Safety Council offers these remedial driving classes at various locations throughout Massachusetts.  You can now register for these classes on-line, using a credit card, on the NSC website. The NSC offers the following

Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles Driver Re-Training Courses Read More »