The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Massachusetts Registry News

False Licenses in Massachusetts

Massachusetts was the first state to issue driver’s licenses beginning the practice in 1907. Since then, a RMV Identification card or driver’s license has become the most commonly used ID in the United States, essential for driving, applying for employment, dealing with police, entering age-barred venues, traveling on planes, purchasing age-barred products such as alcohol,

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New Hampshire SR-22 Financial Responsibility Requirements

The State of New Hampshire requires proof of financial responsibility (liability insurance) which is also known as an SR-22 certificate for 3 years following a first offense DUI conviction. For a second offense DUI conviction, SR-22 insurance is required for 3 years following the date you are eligible to have your license or right to

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How the National Driver Register (NDR) Works

The National Driver Register (NDR) is a nationwide repository of information on drivers maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It contains approximately 42 million records. It allows Registries and DMVs to share information on problem drivers identified in each state, such as those convicted of OUI. Drivers are identified in the NDR through

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Breathalyzer & Chemical Test Refusal Suspensions Reversed

If the RMV suspended or revoked your license for a chemical test refusal (CTR), which is also known as a breathalyzer refusal, for more than 180 days, and you have a previous DUI, the Registry may have improperly suspended your license. The Registry has been using prior DUI cases which were resolved not by convictions,

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Breathalyzer Refusal & Failure Suspensions: Under 21

In accordance with G.L. c.  90 § 24(P), the Registry imposes administrative license suspensions for those under 21 years of age, for refusing a breathalyzer or taking a breathalyzer and registering a blood alcohol percentage of .02 or greater. Some drivers who have not been charged with DUI or any related offenses may apply for

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