The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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License Reinstated After Breathalyzer Refusal

In August of last year, on Route 1 in Saugus, a Massachusetts State Trooper noticed a Cadillac driving erratically. The vehicle was speeding and drifting between lanes. The driver was late in stopping and   upon approaching the car, the trooper detected a strong odor of alcoholic beverage coming from the passenger compartment. The trooper reported […]

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New Technology Detects False Licenses

Fake IDs are becoming more sophisticated and more difficult to detect by the naked eye. Websites like “ID Chief” claim that these false IDs will be undetectable, even when inspected with UV light sources. However, law enforcement, clubs, bars, college campuses, and doormen have a new advanced ID tool. This electronic system reads driver’s licenses

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Property Crime Convictions Trigger Mass. License Suspensions

Being convicted of a variety of property crimes will result in an automatic suspension of your driver’s license. For example, stealing or vandalizing a car will trigger a 1 year revocation for a first offense and a 5 year revocation for a 2nd offense.  Filing a false stolen car insurance claim and receiving a stolen

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Complaint Regulatory License Suspensions

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles uses “complaint regulatory” suspensions to insure a driver’s attendance at a hearing before a RMV hearings officer. If the driver who has received a letter from the Registry regarding a “complaint regulatory” suspension fails to appear at the hearing, the Registrar will automatically and indefinitely revoke the driver’s license

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Police Give Defendant Wrong Breathalzyer Refusal Information

For those who are arrested for DUI in Massachusetts, refusing the breathalyzer can have severe consequences, ranging from a 6 month suspension for first offenders over 21 years of age, up to a lifetime revocation for those with 3 prior DUI convictions, no matter where or when the convictions occurred. Under the Massachusetts breathalyzer refusal

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Mass. Defense Lawyers Win Major Case

Thousands of people are arrested for operating after suspension of their driver’s licenses in Massachusetts. A ruling released yesterday by the highest court in the Massachusetts will make driving on a suspended license much more difficult for prosecutors to prove. To convict someone of driving after suspension or revocation of their driver’s license, the prosecution

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Minor Violations Can Trigger 7 Surchargeable Events Suspensions

Minor inspection and equipment violations can have major surprise consequences for Massachusetts license holders. The Registry of Motor Vehicles will impose a 60 day suspension whenever a driver has accumulated any combination of at fault accidents and motor vehicle violations over any rolling 3 year period. Until they receive the suspension letter in the mail,

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The Notice Requirement in Mass. Operating After Suspension Cases

Driving on a suspended license can sometimes result in minimum mandatory jail time and a new 4 year habitual traffic offender revocation. Therefore, fewer people charged with this crime plead guilty and more operating after suspension cases go to trial. In order to obtain a conviction for driving while suspended, the prosecution must prove, beyond

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Registrar Terminates Employee for Unprofessional Tweets

Reporting for the Boston Herald, O’Ryan Johnson recently wrote about a Registry employee who was terminated yesterday for posting disparaging and inappropriate “tweets” about his co-workers, supervisors, and the members of the public who pay his salary. The Registry took swift and decisive action against the employee, once the violations were brought to the Registrar’s

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