The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Mass. Breathalyzer Refusals & the Ignition Interlock Restriction

Jun 13, 2011

I received the following inquiry from a prospective client: I was found not guilty for an OUI but l...

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Police Give Defendant Wrong Breathalzyer Refusal Information

Jun 12, 2011

For those who are arrested for DUI in Massachusetts, refusing the breathalyzer can have severe conse...

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Mass. Ignition Interlock Hearing to be Held on Tuesday

Jun 11, 2011

A hearing will be held on Tuesday at the Massachusetts Statehouse regarding a bill filed by Robert H...

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Mass. Defense Lawyers Win Major Case

Jun 11, 2011

Thousands of people are arrested for operating after suspension of their driver’s licenses in Mass...

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New Ignition Intelrock Device Laws Proposed

Jun 09, 2011

Alabama will soon become the 50th state to require DUI offenders to use the ignition interlock dev...

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Minor Violations Can Trigger 7 Surchargeable Events Suspensions

Jun 08, 2011

Minor inspection and equipment violations can have major surprise consequences for Massachusetts lic...

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Hingham Police File Ignition Interlock Tampering Charges

Jun 07, 2011

The Quincy Patriot Ledger reported today that a Hull man is being charged with tampering with his ig...

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The Notice Requirement in Mass. Operating After Suspension Cases

Jun 06, 2011

Driving on a suspended license can sometimes result in minimum mandatory jail time and a new 4 year ...

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Registrar Terminates Employee for Unprofessional Tweets

Jun 04, 2011

Reporting for the Boston Herald, O’Ryan Johnson recently wrote about a Registry employee who was t...

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