The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Author name: The Law Office of Brian Simoneau, P.C

Missed Interlock Service Visits

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles can impose severe penalties for missing Ignition Interlock Device Service Visits. Two missed Service visits can result in a 10 year license revocation and all IID users should be aware of this. A “service visit” is a mandatory visit by the Ignition Interlock program participant to the local representative […]

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Driving without the Interlock Device

G.L. c. 90 § 24S makes it a felony criminal offense to operate a motor vehicle that was not equipped with a certified functioning ignition interlock device while the operator’s license has the “Z” ignition interlock restriction. Upon conviction, this crime carries a minimum mandatory 150-day jail sentence and a maximum sentence of up to

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Initial Start Interlock Violations

The Ignition Interlock Department of the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles is now issuing IID Violation Notices and scheduling violation hearings for initial start violations. This means that if you have two initial start violations during a service period, you may receive a violation notice and be called in for a hearing regarding a 10-year

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Ignition Interlock Violations in Massachusetts

Under Melanie’s Law, Massachusetts has implemented some of the strictest ignition interlock device (IID) requirements and violation enforcement standards in the country. Repeat offenders with two or more DUI convictions are required to install IIDs as a condition of obtaining a hardship license or full license reinstatement. This guide outlines how the IID program works, who

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