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Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Lifetime License Revocations in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, individuals with multiple DUI (OUI) convictions face severe penalties, including lifetime license revocations. These revocations are among the most stringent consequences under Massachusetts law, leaving those affected with little to no recourse for regaining their driving privileges. Understanding the implications of a lifetime revocation and the slim possibilities for relief is crucial for anyone dealing with such a situation.

If you are facing a lifetime license revocation, call the Law Office of Brian Simoneau, P.C. immediately at 508-625-5776 to protect your driving privileges and future.

What Triggers a Lifetime License Revocation?

Massachusetts imposes lifetime license revocations on individuals with five or more DUI convictions or alcohol program assignments, regardless of when or where these offenses occurred. The state uses a lifetime look-back period, meaning that any DUI conviction—no matter how old—can contribute to the total number of offenses considered. This policy applies even if some of the convictions were from out of state.

Additionally, a lifetime license revocation can be triggered if you refuse to submit to a chemical breath or blood test after being arrested for your fourth DUI offense. Importantly, this revocation occurs regardless of the outcome of the DUI case itself; the refusal combined with three prior convictions is sufficient to lose your license permanently.

No Hardship Relief for Lifetime Revocations

Once a lifetime license revocation is imposed, the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) offers no possibility of hardship relief. This means that individuals who rely on their ability to drive for work, medical appointments, or other essential activities are left with no legal way to operate a vehicle.

The Board of Appeal of the Massachusetts Division of Insurance, which hears appeals for license suspensions, rarely grants hardship licenses in cases involving lifetime revocations. This is especially true for revocations based on chemical test refusals. Even in the rare instances where the Board may hear a case, the chances of success are extremely low.

A Case Study: The Harsh Reality of Lifetime Revocation

Consider the plight of an individual who faced such consequences:

In May 2005, this person was charged with what was initially considered a third DUI offense. However, after a thorough review, it was upgraded to a fourth offense, resulting in an increased sentence of 2½ years. Upon release, the individual complied with the requirement to install an ignition interlock device (IID) and completed the program successfully. Yet, a few months after the IID was removed, they received a devastating letter from the RMV: their license was revoked for life due to new laws that had come into effect after their conviction.

Despite an appeal, the RMV upheld the lifetime revocation, leaving the individual with no option to apply for a hardship license. This situation was further complicated by the fact that they had since become disabled and depended on their vehicle for limited work opportunities. Unfortunately, the law left them with no recourse, regardless of their personal circumstances or need for a vehicle.

Legal Challenges and the Possibility of Reinstatement

In some rare cases, it may be possible to challenge the contents of your Registry record. Massachusetts General Laws c. 90 § 27 considers RMV records as prima facie evidence for suspension purposes. However, these records can sometimes be refuted with court dockets, abstracts, probation records, and other official documents. Success in these cases is highly dependent on the specific facts and circumstances surrounding each individual case.

Although the chances of overturning a lifetime revocation are slim, especially for those based on chemical test refusals or multiple DUI convictions, consulting with an experienced attorney may still provide valuable insights. In exceptional cases, attorneys have managed to reduce lifetime license revocations, but such outcomes are the exception rather than the rule.

Don’t Face a Lifetime License Revocation Alone

Lifetime license revocations in Massachusetts represent the state’s most severe punishment for repeat DUI offenders. With no possibility of obtaining a hardship license, individuals facing these revocations are often left with no legal means of driving, regardless of their personal or professional needs. While legal challenges are possible, they are rarely successful, making it crucial for those affected to fully understand the implications of their situation and seek specialized legal advice if they hope to regain their driving privileges.