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The Surcharge Appeal Process: Contesting Points on Your Massachusetts Driving Record

Criminal Defense

What is the Surcharge Appeal Process in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, the surcharge appeal process is a legal procedure that allows drivers to contest points on their driving record. These points, also known as surchargeable events, can accumulate due to traffic violations or at-fault accidents. If you’ve received a surcharge notice, it means that your insurance company has reported the incident to the Massachusetts Merit Rating Board (MRB). This can lead to an increase in your auto insurance premiums.

The surcharge appeal process begins when you file an appeal with the Board of Appeal on Motor Vehicle Liability Policies and Bonds within 30 days of receiving the surcharge notice. This is a crucial step in contesting points on your Massachusetts driving record.

How Can I Contest Points on My Massachusetts Driving Record?

To contest points on your Massachusetts driving record, you must first pay a non-refundable $50 filing fee and submit a written request for an appeal. The request should include your name, address, driver’s license number, and a detailed explanation of why you believe the surcharge is unjust.

Once an appeal is filed, your hearing will be scheduled. During the hearing, you’ll have the opportunity to present evidence and argue your case. This could include traffic camera footage, witness testimonies, or any other relevant information that supports your claim.

Remember, the burden of proof lies with you. It’s your responsibility to convince the Board that the surcharge was unjustly applied. If the Board agrees, the points will be removed from your driving record, and your insurance premiums will not increase.

What Happens if I Lose My Surcharge Appeal?

If you lose your surcharge appeal, the points will remain on your Massachusetts driving record, and your insurance premiums will likely increase. However, this doesn’t mean you’re out of options. You can request a second appeal, but this time, it will be heard by a three-member panel. The panel’s decision is final.

It’s important to note that even if you lose your appeal, the points won’t stay on your record forever. In Massachusetts, points from a traffic violation or at-fault accident typically remain on your record for six years.

What Are Some Common Mistakes to Avoid During My Surcharge Appeal?

When contesting points on your Massachusetts driving record, there are several common mistakes you should avoid. One of the most common is missing the 30-day deadline to file an appeal. If you miss this deadline, you forfeit your right to contest the surcharge.

Another common mistake is not adequately preparing for the hearing. This includes failing to gather sufficient evidence or not presenting a clear, concise argument. Remember, the burden of proof lies with you. It’s your responsibility to convince the Board that the surcharge is unjust.
Lastly, many people make the mistake of not seeking legal representation. While it’s possible to navigate the surcharge appeal process on your own, having an experienced lawyer on your side can significantly increase your chances of success.

What Are the Potential Consequences of Having Points on My Massachusetts Driving Record?

Having points on your Massachusetts driving record can have several consequences. The most immediate is an increase in your auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies assess your risk as a driver by looking at your driving record. The more points you have, the higher your perceived risk, and the higher your premiums.

In addition to higher insurance rates, accumulating too many points can lead to a license suspension. In Massachusetts, if you accumulate 5 or more surchargeable events within a 3-year period, your license can be suspended.

Points on your driving record can impact your employment if your job requires a clean driving record. This is particularly true for jobs that involve driving, such as delivery drivers or truck drivers.

Can I Reduce Points on My Massachusetts Driving Record?

Yes, you can take steps to reduce points on your Massachusetts driving record. One way is by taking a state-approved Driver Retraining Course. Completing this course can remove up to two points from your record. However, you can only take this course once every five years for point reduction.

Another way to reduce points is by maintaining a clean driving record. In Massachusetts, one point is removed from your record for each year you go without a surchargeable event.

What Are the Steps to Take After Receiving a Surcharge Notice?

After receiving a surcharge notice, the first step is to review the notice carefully. Make sure you understand why you’ve been surcharged and how many points have been added to your Massachusetts driving record. If you believe the surcharge is unjust, you should consider filing an appeal.

Next, gather all relevant evidence that supports your claim. This could include traffic camera footage, witness testimonies, or any other information that could help prove your case.
Remember, the burden of proof lies with you. It’s your responsibility to convince the Board that the surcharge is unjust.

Finally, consider seeking legal representation. An experienced lawyer can guide you through the surcharge appeal process, helping you understand your rights and options. They can also represent you during the hearing, increasing your chances of success.

What Should I Expect During the Surcharge Appeal Hearing?

During the surcharge appeal hearing, you’ll have the opportunity to present your case to the Board. You can present evidence, argue your case, and answer any questions the Board may have. The Board will then make a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented.

It’s important to note that the hearing is a formal legal proceeding. You should dress appropriately and behave respectfully. If you’ve hired a lawyer, they can prepare for the hearing and guide you through the process.

What Can I Do to Prevent Accumulating Points on My Massachusetts Driving Record?

Preventing points on your Massachusetts driving record starts with safe and responsible driving. Obey all traffic laws, avoid distractions while driving, and never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Additionally, consider taking a defensive driving course. These courses can help you improve your driving skills and reduce your risk of accidents and traffic violations.

Finally, if you do receive a surcharge notice, consider filing an appeal if you believe the surcharge is unjust. An experienced lawyer can guide you through the appeal process and help you contest the points on your record.

If you have been involved in a car accident or received a surcharge notice, call The Law Office of Brian Simoneau today at 508-625-5776 for a free case evaluation!

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