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Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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The Role of the National Driver Register in Driver License Suspensions in Boston


A license suspension can have devastating impacts. It can interfere with your ability to hold a job, maintain an active social life, get your kids to school, and so much more.  As such, many people will go to great lengths to keep driving following a driver’s license suspension in Boston. However, the National Driver Register (NDR) often stops them right in their tracks.

The most important thing to remember about a license suspension is that you can’t run away from it. There are avenues available to have your driving privileges reinstated, but there are no simple shortcuts. The NDR makes sure of this. Understanding this national database along with actual strategies for getting back on the road can prove invaluable to your case.

What Is the National Driver Register?

The National Driver Register is a computerized database that compiles a national list of individuals who have had their driving privileges suspended or revoked. It also lists individuals who have been convicted of serious traffic offenses such as impaired driving — known as operating under the influence (OUI) in Boston.

The database is maintained by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). However, it’s the licensing authorities of individual states that place information on the NDR. For instance, if the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) suspends or revokes your driver’s license, this information is reported directly to the National Driver Register.

At this point, every licensing authority in America has access to that information. You could hop on a plane and move to Hawaii, and the moment you show up to their license-issuing authority, they’ll know about your suspension. As such, the National Driver Register plays a significant role in Boston license suspensions.

Can You Get a License in Another State After a Suspension?

Being unable to legally drive is a serious burden on most people. This is why so many folks end up with criminal charges for driving on a suspended license. To avoid such charges, some people will go to any length. For instance, it’s easy to drive about an hour outside of Boston and end up in New Hampshire. Once there, could you apply for a new driver’s license?

If you’re interested in attempting this, don’t waste your gas money. That’s exactly what the National Driver Register is meant to prevent. The moment you apply for a driver’s license in another state, they’ll run your name and see all suspensions, revocations, and serious traffic offenses on your record.

If they see that you’re not allowed to drive in your home state, you won’t be able to secure a license. These interstate partnerships go much further than just preventing individuals from getting a license elsewhere. In fact, your Massachusetts driver’s license will be suspended even if you’re arrested for a DUI in another state. This is all thanks to the National Driver Register.

What Are Your Options if Your License Is Suspended in Boston?

If your driving privileges have been suspended by the RMV, there may be options to get you back on the road. However, these will largely depend on why your license was suspended in Boston in the first place. For instance, perhaps you received notice of an Medical Immediate Threat Suspension based on mental health issues. In this case, you could contest the suspension with the RMV.

It’s possible to contest other suspensions as well. However, this can be a tall order if you lost your license due to criminal charges. That’s because Massachusetts law is fairly strict when it comes to certain suspensions. This is particularly true for those based on OUI convictions or refusals of chemical tests. Still, it may be possible to secure a hardship license. Speak with an attorney to learn more.

Can You Stop Your License From Being Suspended?

In some cases, a license suspension in Boston is automatic. For instance, failing or refusing a breath alcohol test during a traffic stop immediately results in a suspension. The NDR ensures this applies nationally. However, a suspension that a person faces won’t always be long-term. We can see this with the 30-day automatic suspensions that occur after a failed OUI test.

These suspensions are typically lengthened once a person goes to court. The best way to avoid this outcome is to fight the conviction. Prosecutors will try to convince you that a failed chemical test or field sobriety test means you’re guilty under the law, but this isn’t always true. An attorney can help you fight the charges or seek a hardship license after suspension.

Your options will depend entirely upon the circumstances of your case. Contact us today at The Law Office of Brian Simoneau by calling (508)-625-5776. We’ll help you understand how the National Driver Register affects Boston residents along with your rights and options under the law.

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