The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Marijuana & Mass. Drivers License Suspensions

Feb 09, 2013

Massachusetts lawmakers have recently enacted laws which change the way marijuana possession and dis...

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Use of Out of State DUI Convictions Upheld

Feb 09, 2013

In the case of Commonwealth v. Lee, the Massachusetts Appeals Court recently upheld the use of an ou...

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The Annie Dookhan & Mass. Drug Suspensions

Feb 09, 2013

The scandal at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Jamaica Plain Drug Lab involving chemis...

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Massachusetts Registry Records

Feb 09, 2013

I have received several inquires regarding how long the Registry maintains driving records, how long...

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Probation Violations in Mass. DUI Cases

Feb 09, 2013

Because convictions of certain offenses trigger license suspensions in Massachusetts and because in ...

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Mass. Licenses can be Easy to Lose

Jan 31, 2013

Many people may be aware that it is a serious offense to operate a motor vehicle after one's license...

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Registry Audit Detects License Fraud

Jan 31, 2013

As a result of an internal audit conducted by the Registry of Motor Vehicles, Massachusetts State Po...

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Massachusetts Citation Appeal Dismissed

Jan 26, 2013

G.L. c. 90C § 2 governs the issuance of citations for automobile law violations in Massachusetts. I...

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Not Easy to win Citation Appeals on Technicalities

Jan 26, 2013

The case of Commonwealth vs. Benjamin J. Celletti shows how difficult it can be to prevail on techni...

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