On July 30, 2009, Thomas C. Plant of Rockland Massachusetts, who was awaiting trial on his 9th DWI offense, was involved in a minor car accident. A police officer who knew Plant responded to the accident and found him using a driver’s license with his photograph and address, but his brother’s name. Plant now faces charges of obtaining a false license, a felony which carries up to a 5 year state prison sentence under Massachusetts Law. Plante would likely have been caught eventually even if he had not been in the accident. The Massachusetts State Police use sophisticated facial recognition software which compares digital images of drivers to automatically identify individuals who have licenses under multiple names. Holders of these illegal licenses routinely get suspension notices from the Registry. Plant was charged with DWI as a result of the accident and his driver’s license was already suspended. If he is convicted, he will face an automatic suspension for violating the Massachusetts false license law.