The Manchester Massachusetts Police Department, in partnership with the Massachusetts State Police and hundreds of local police departments throughout Massachusetts are conducting special “Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest” patrols. This Mass. DUI enforcement effort began last week and extends through Labor Day.
State and local police will conduct DUI sobriety checkpoints and DWI patrols in various locations throughout Massachusetts. The Mass. Executive Office of Public Safety and Security provided $779,000 in federal grant funding for this DWI initiative for both drunk driving enforcement and public education. In addition to arresting alleged drunk drivers, these patrols may also result in warrant and suspended license arrests.
On average, 300 people are arrested every week in Massachusetts for DUI. A first-offense Mass. DUI conviction can cost more than $7,800, plus the significant expenses involved with insurance surcharges, license suspensions, and trying to get a hardship license.