The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Massachusetts Registry News

Massachusetts 24D DUI Dispositions, CWOFs, and Job Applications

Whether or not you need to disclose a § 24D operating under the influence disposition on a job application is an excellent question and, as explained below, the answer to this question is: it depends on whether or not you were actually convicted of OUI and the precise wording of the question in the application […]

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Marijuana & Mass. Drivers License Suspensions

Massachusetts lawmakers have recently enacted laws which change the way marijuana possession and distribution is handled. Under recent amendments to G.L. c. 94C, the Mass. drug law, possession of one ounce or less of Marijuana in Massachusetts is a civil infraction. This does not mean that marijuana possession is legal, it only means that possession

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Use of Out of State DUI Convictions Upheld

In the case of Commonwealth v. Lee, the Massachusetts Appeals Court recently upheld the use of an out of state DUI conviction to convict a Massachusetts resident and license holder of OUI 2nd offense. The Appeals Court also upheld the introduction of the driver’s New Hampshire DMV and Mass. Registry of Motor Vehicles driving records

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The Annie Dookhan & Mass. Drug Suspensions

The scandal at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Jamaica Plain Drug Lab involving chemist Annie Dookhan has resulted in court action in a large number of drug cases across Massachusetts and thousands of Massachusetts drug prosecutions possibly compromised. The 35 year old Franklin, Mass. resident worked as a chemist at the Hinton State Laboratory

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Probation Violations in Mass. DUI Cases

Because convictions of certain offenses trigger license suspensions in Massachusetts and because in some cases a DUI case which was continued without a finding (CWOF’ed) and dismissed, may not count towards breathalyzer refusal suspensions, violating probation and having a case which was CWOF’ed converted to a guilty finding may result in the revocation of your

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Registry Audit Detects License Fraud

As a result of an internal audit conducted by the Registry of Motor Vehicles, Massachusetts State Police (MSP) Troopers assigned to the Registry of Motor Vehicles Special Investigation Unit determined that Alexander Brewer, a clerk employed in the Revere branch of the Massachusetts RMV, was fraudulently issuing Massachusetts driver’s licenses and RMV Identification cards. As

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Massachusetts Citation Appeal Dismissed

G.L. c. 90C § 2 governs the issuance of citations for automobile law violations in Massachusetts. It “was designed to prevent the manipulation and misuse of traffic citations, and to provide prompt and definite notice of the nature of the alleged offense to the putative violator.” It plainly requires that police issue citations to violators

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