The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Author name: The Law Office of Brian Simoneau, P.C

From Suspension to Impoundment: Vehicle Consequences for Driving with a Suspended License

What Are Some Common Reasons for License Suspension in Massachusetts? License suspension can severely impact your life, preventing you from working, enjoying a social life, and even getting medical attention. Individuals have their licenses suspended in Massachusetts for many reasons. According to, some of the most common grounds for license suspension and revocation include […]

From Suspension to Impoundment: Vehicle Consequences for Driving with a Suspended License Read More »

Tampering vs. Normal Wear with an IID: Differentiating Interlock Device Malfunctions in Mass.

What is an IID? An ignition interlock device (IID) is a device that is used as a form of regulation, rehabilitation, and a safety measure designed to protect people from someone who has been convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence (OUI). While it may primarily feel like a punishment, the primary use of

Tampering vs. Normal Wear with an IID: Differentiating Interlock Device Malfunctions in Mass. Read More »

The Toll of IID Tampering: How It Can Impact Your Driving Privileges in Massachusetts

What is an IID? An IID is an ignition interlock device. It is a device that may be installed in your vehicle as part of a punishment for an operating a motor vehicle under the influence (OUI) conviction. The device is installed in your vehicle and disables your vehicle’s ignition unless a positive evaluation is

The Toll of IID Tampering: How It Can Impact Your Driving Privileges in Massachusetts Read More »

The Impact on Your Driving Record: How Refusing to Stop Affects Your License in Mass

Why is a Driving Record So Important? A driving record is something most people take for granted. However, when citations or criminal charges affect your ability to drive, you might quickly realize how important it is to have a clean driving record. Points on your record could result in higher insurance costs, lower credit scores,

The Impact on Your Driving Record: How Refusing to Stop Affects Your License in Mass Read More »

Massachusetts RMV Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Violation Notices

If you have received an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Violation Notice from the Massachusetts RMV, you will need to have an interlock violation hearing. If this RMV hearing is not held within 30 days of the date of the interlock violation letter, the Registry will impose an indefinite interlock violation offense (IVO) license suspension. The

Massachusetts RMV Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Violation Notices Read More »

What is a DUI Refusal Charge and Can You Defend It?

What is the Standard Procedure for a DUI Traffic Stop? Suppose a law enforcement officer stops you under the suspicion that you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In that case, they may proceed to determine if you are, in fact, under the influence using various tactics. Law enforcement officers follow various

What is a DUI Refusal Charge and Can You Defend It? Read More »