The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Author name: The Law Office of Brian Simoneau, P.C

Appealing a 5 year Chemical Test Refusal Suspension in Massachusetts

Here’s a situation involving a 5 year breathalyzer refusal suspension. I’m contacting you to seek your assistance in getting my license reinstated, at least  to some degree if possible. Living and working without the ability to drive is very challenging under these circumstances. My story is as follows: Nearly a year ago to the day

Appealing a 5 year Chemical Test Refusal Suspension in Massachusetts Read More »

Reckless Driving in Virginia Triggers Massachusetts Suspensions

If you are the holder of a Massachusetts Driver’s License or you are a Massachusetts resident, the Registry will treat any motor vehicle violations which you commit as if they had occurred in Massachusetts.  This may cause you to have your license suspended or revoked in Massachusetts for an offense that does not carry any

Reckless Driving in Virginia Triggers Massachusetts Suspensions Read More »

Correcting Registry of Motor Vehicles Driving Records

Registry of Motor Vehicle records are what MassDOT uses to determine the length of driver’s license suspensions. These records are not always accurate and there are ways to correct these important records. Many inaccuracies are the results of converting paper to computer records. Errors may have occurred when the records were “computerized” many years ago.

Correcting Registry of Motor Vehicles Driving Records Read More »

Prior DUI Convictions Will Count Against You

If you have been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, a prior DUI conviction could dramatically increase any resulting breathalyzer refusal or DWI license suspension. Massachusetts has a lifetime look-back and the prosecution will check multiple sources for prior DUI convictions or assignments to a drug or alcohol treatment program, which

Prior DUI Convictions Will Count Against You Read More »