The toughest Roads
shouldn't be navigated alone
shouldn't be
navigated alone
Let's get you back
on the road legally
Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Author name: The Law Office of Brian Simoneau, P.C

DUI Records are Permanent in Mass.

My law office routinely gets inquiries from individuals who are seeking to have Operating Under the Influence charges removed from their records. These charges have prevented them from obtaining employment and passing background checks required to drive for Transportation Network Companies in Massachusetts such as Uber and Lyft. Unfortunately, the Registry is required to maintain

DUI Records are Permanent in Mass. Read More »

Right to Operate vs. Driver’s License

Clients who have received suspension or revocation notices from MassDOT who have never been licensed in Massachusetts will often ask how the Registry of Motor Vehicles can revoke a license which it never issued. The answer is that that the RMV is not necessarily revoking the person’s driver’s license. Instead, the Registry is revoking the

Right to Operate vs. Driver’s License Read More »

CWOFs Considered Convictions for Suspension Purposes

Many times in Massachusetts first offense drunk driving cases are resolved with a continuance without a guilty finding which is commonly referred to as a CWOF. Previously for breathalyzer refusal purposes, those operating under the influence cases which were resolved with CWOFs instead of guilty findings were not treated as prior convictions when calculating the

CWOFs Considered Convictions for Suspension Purposes Read More »

MA CDL Denials due to Immigration Status

The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles now requires Commercial Drivers License (CDL) applicants to be lawful permanent residents or United States Citizens prior to the issuance of a CDL. Lawful permanent residents of the United States are also referred to as resident aliens or green card holders. It is the Registry’s policy that a work

MA CDL Denials due to Immigration Status Read More »