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Attorney Brian Simoneau is a great lawyer. He is very versed on the current laws and he will help you convey a well organized winning case. I would highly recommend him.
James F.
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Appeal your W72 Immediate Threat Suspension

Immediate Threat Revocations

If you have received an Immediate Threat W72 suspension from the Registry of Motor Vehicles, that means that your Massachusetts Driver’s license will be indefinitely suspended pending the final disposition of the charges filed against you. Even after the criminal case has been fully resolved, the RMV will not automatically reinstate your license. Instead, you will have to fight for reinstatement by going through the Registry’s hearing process. You will be allowed to reinstate only when a Registry Hearing Officer clears you.

The Registry will impose an Immediate Threat W72 suspension at the request of a police officer when a motorist has committed an automobile law violation of such a nature that the police believe that the driver’s continued operation would constitute an immediate threat to public safety. These suspensions are triggered when a police officer files a Request for Immediate Threat License Suspension/Revocation with the RMV.

If you are facing an Immediate Threat W72 suspension, you will have to fight a battle on 2 different fronts. First, you will need to deal with the motor vehicle charges against you. Those charges can be litigated in court.

In addition to the court battle, you will need to fight for your license at the Registry of Motor Vehicles or Board of Appeal. There is absolutely no way to reinstate from an Immediate Threat W72 revocation without getting clearance from a Registry Hearing Officer or the Appellate Board which has been designated by law to hear and decide appeals from these indefinite suspensions.

Suspensions of this nature are indefinite in length. That means that you cannot resolve this type of suspension by serving a certain amount of time, like you can with other suspensions such as those for 7 surchargeable events or even 4-year Habitual Traffic Offender suspensions. The purpose of the W72 suspension is to keep the driver off the road until his or her criminal case has been fully adjudicated.

However, the are ways to get your license back prior to the conclusion of the court case. This cannot be done at the Registry. It must be done at the Board of Appeal and effective legal representation is essential. The Registry will have a lawyer fighting to keep your license suspended and you should have an advocate fighting for your right to drive.

These Immediate Threat W72 cases require considerable preparation. It is critical to present evidence that shows that any past or present problems that might have caused the automobile law violations have been brought under control such that you are no longer a threat to the public and that you will safely operate upon the restoration of your driver’s license.

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